domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

Educaplay activity about Byzantine Empire

Students will be introduced to Byzantine Empire and afterwards they will do this activity, so they can check if they have learnt the information given by the teacher.

Educaplay activity about Germanic kingdoms

With this activity, students will review Germanic kingdoms so they can have a high mark in this unit test.


Introduction to Middle Ages This activity will reinforce students´knowledge about the beginning of the "Middle Ages". Students will watch the video and try to answer three very important questions about this time. After doing so, students will do their own video based on the questions they have just answered. They will use "Movie Maker" and will be given the instructions to do the video after doing this activity.

Middle Ages Curso Aularagón

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014


THIS IS THE VIDEO I HAVE CREATED DESCRIBING THE BEGINNING OF MEDIEVAL TIMES IN EUROPE: ACTIVITY: My 2nd Grade students will be divided into four groups; each group will create a short video with "Movie Maker" about one of the slides shown in my video (see above). The four topics will be: -The Byzantine Empire with Justinian (The "Golden Age"). -The Germanic Peoples. -Islam. -The fight between Christians and Muslims: The Crusades. Each video will be about one minute and students will have to choose images related with their topics and explain them. We will evaluate the information given, the format and the creativity shown.

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014


This is my work with "ISSUU". Students will have these notes as support and extra material for their oral projects about "Vikings". The activities follow the contents that they have to learn and all of them will be worked at home but the "Choose a story from one of the Viking sagas and present it in the form of a short play" that will be prepared and shown in the classroom. The goal is not only to help our 2nd Grade Students with the Social Sciences content ("Vikings") but also to improve their reading, oral and writing skills in English. :



-The following video is a good resource to introduce "Middle Ages" to students.

-Once they have watched it, they will have to do their own timeline about Medieval Times using the following website:

The events that the students  will write on the timeline are the following:

  • 476 - The fall of the Roman Empire. Rome had ruled much of Europe. Now much of the land would fall into confusion as local kings and rulers tried to grab power. This is the start of the Dark Ages or the Middle Ages.
  • 481 - Clovis becomes King of the Franks. Clovis united most of the Frankish tribes that were part of Roman Province of Gaul.
  • 570 - Muhammad, prophet of Islam is born.
  • 732 - Battle of Tours. The Franks defeat the Muslims turning back Islam from Europe.
  • 800 - Charlemagne, King of the Franks, is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Charlemagne united much of Western Europe and is considered the father of both the French and the German Monarchies.
  • 835 - Vikings from the Scandinavian lands (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) begin to invade northern Europe. They would continue until 1042.
  • 896 - Alfred the Great, King of England, turns back the Viking invaders.
  • 1066 - William of Normandy, a French Duke, conquers England in the Battle of Hastings. He became King of England and changed the country forever.
  • 1096 - Start of the First Crusade. The Crusades were wars between the Holy Roman Empire and the Muslims over the Holy Land. There would be several Crusades over the next 200 years.
  • 1189 - Richard I, Richard the Lionheart, becomes King of England..
  • 1215 - King John of England signs the Magna Carta. This document gave the people some rights and said the king was not above the law.
  • 1271 - Marco Polo leaves on his famous journey to explore Asia.
  • 1337 - The Hundred Years War begins between England and France for control of the French throne.
  • 1347 - The Black Death begins in Europe. This horrible disease would kill around half of the people in Europe.
  • 1431 - Joan of Arc is executed by England at the age of 19.
  • 1444 - German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press. This will signal the start of the Renaissance.
  • 1453 - The Ottoman Empire captures the city of Constantinople. This signals the end of the Eastern Roman Empire also known as Byzantium.

To evaluate the content of the the activity, students will take the following quiz:


  This is the podcast my students will work on:

I have chosen a podcast about King Richard III of England and his remains recently  found under a car park because I want  to introduce students to  archaeologists´  work with a topic related to the end of the Middle Ages in Great Britain. 

ACTIVITY: Students have to listen to this podcast and then,  they have to answer the following questions that will be written on the board. Afterwards, they will correct the exercise orally. 


What can human bones tell us  about the past?

When was King Richard III born?

How long was King Richard III  rule?

How did King Richard III die?

 Who ruled England after King Richard III   death?

Why is it  important for archaeologists  the DNA found?

What famous writer wrote a play about King Richard III?


These are the podcasts that I recorded in my Social Sciences class:

In this unit, "Introduction to the Middle Ages", students learn   "The Fall of the Roman Empire" and the "Invasions of Muslims, Normans (Vikings) and Hungarians". They have to do some presentations about Middle Ages in Britain starting by Romans in England and the fall of the Roman Empire.  The second project deals with the invasion of England by Vikings. I concentrate on teaching Al-Andalus,  as territory invaded by Muslims. In the podcasts students show their work to their peers. Below, you can find  the instructions I gave them to prepare their project:


Prepare a power point presentation with  at least 12 slides (the title and names of the members of the group must be in the first slide). You will have 15 minutes to show your work to your classmates. If you don´t have enough time to finish it at school, you will have to finish it at home. The highest score for your project will be 0.8 points if all the members of the group  work very well.   The group  will have to explain each slide so divide the slides to be effective. Be communicative and avoid reading. Your presentation should have more images than words.
-Viking longships

The Vikings still inspire ceremonies and re-enactments; but should school pupils learn about them?Source:

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014


Para reforzar la expresión escrita, y el andamiaje de contenido lingüístico, los alumnos trabajarán un texto relacionado con  los contenidos del tema y en el que se incluirán las siguientes estructuras gramaticales explicadas anteriormente:

-Sentences in the past time (affirmative, negative and interrogative).

En dicho texto, faltarán  palabras en L2. Los alumnos deberán intuir qué tipo de palabra/s falta/n   a continuación, se les leerá el texto y los alumnos lo completarán o verificarán si pusieron la/s palabra/s correctamente.
Por último, los alumnos deberán escribir un texto con su opinión sobre Al-Andalus en L2 utilizando las categorías gramaticales antes citadas:
El texto con el que se pretende dar andamiaje al contenido lingüístico y al contenido es:

From Northern Africa in 711, the Muslim Umayyad dynasty ------ Europe and --------- a Muslim versus Christian war ------- the Reconquest. Their point of entry -------- the Strait of Gibraltar and the soldiers -------- from modern day Portugal and Spain to southern France and Italy in approximately 10 years. The border between Muslim and Christian lands ---------southward through 700 years of war, which ------------- the peninsula as a militarily contended space. However, it is important to note that Christians --------------in Muslim kingdoms and Muslims ------------- in Christian kingdoms in relative peace, but violence did break out, especially in relation to competition for resources. Jews also ------ in both kingdoms.